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Can't beat this micro shit

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Can't beat this micro shit

46k hands at nl25 zoom this month, BB/100 -7.5. Nine years ago I used to be a winning player at nl200, but a year or two later I quit. Oh how the times have changed. Today people are better at nl25 than they were at nl200. Plus the dear bots that will soon destroy online poker once and for all. I am unemployed, and I have no education. I have had only one job in my life and it was shitty, but really interesting to this retard. Unfortunately they kicked me out last fall after almost three years. I got no money, but the government of Finland loves unemployed people. So it is easy to rent a place and play some poker with their moneyzz. I have been trying to relearn this game for around three months now, obviously to no avail. I can't handle the frequencies. How to find out the right frequencies to call and to bluff? I Today I tried omaha zoom and I lost 6 buy-ins or so. I am 29 and fml.

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