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Getting 180 BB's in pre flop w KK... sigh

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Getting 180 BB's in pre flop w KK... sigh

In the hand posted above :

Another weird spot pre flop that I almost convinced myself to fold but ended up sigh calling expecting to & eventually seeing the bad news.

We open KK in MP to $.25, CO 3b to $.85, BB 4b to $2.85. Back to us - I dont think flatting the 4b is ever the play here. Especially w a player behind us left to act. I think 5b is the correct play 100% of the time given how the hand has played up until this point. We want to push out CO & get to the flop heads up IP vs BB. Additionally, we have the second best hand in poker. Anyway, we 5b to $6.80 (is this sizing off? We are very deep w BB in this hand so leaned towards making the 3b size a bit larger). Idk if this sizing is optimal - open to feedback/advice on if this sizing is awful & what a better sizing would be. BB 6b rips $18.71. I honestly considered folding & in retrospect maybe that is always the play here. How many hands can BB have that 6b rip 180 BB's in pre flop that we are ahead of? Maybe, maybe AKs which we block 2 combos of. I think we are mainly going to see AA here when we call off w KK. Writing this out it seems like calling off here w KK is a massive punt? Also, this somewhat ties back to my 5b sizing to $6.80 - it seems like we are almost priced in after we raise to that size & get jammed on for ~ $11 more. Idk. Is this hand standard or did we totally punt off almost 2 buy ins pre flop? Any & all advice/ input welcomed. This hand sucked

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