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Range bet confusion

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Range bet confusion

Hi all.

I'm a beginning and struggling player and am watching the NLHE From the ground up by Pete Clarke. Awesome stuff, but going very slowly because everything seems new to me. I've just learned about range betting and every time I think I understand a concept, I see or hear something that confuses me again.

It's regarding this Youtube video (timestamped):

Mark says he would not CBet this very frequently and would range check this board. At 33:16 Pete says he would role bet (?) this hand and not pure bet it and that he would give this hand a higher bet frequency than his range. At 34:22 Mark bets big, which is considered fine, but as I understand range betting up till this point, a big bet is not a range bet.

So I have a lot of questions regarding this small piece of video:
- What is a role bet (unsure if I heard this correctly)?
- What is a pure bet in this context?
- How can you give a particular hand from your range a higher bet frequency? Does this not defeat the whole purpose of a range bet?
- How is the big bet fine as this is not a range bet AND Mark said he would range check this often?

Grrr pretty confused. Thank you for your time!

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