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Situational Awareness - Getting Started: $1/$2 FR NLHE

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Situational Awareness - Getting Started: $1/$2 FR NLHE

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Michael Gazonda

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Situational Awareness - Getting Started: $1/$2 FR NLHE

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Michael Gazonda

POSTED Jul 14, 2013

In this video, Mike brings up situational awareness, which he believes is a key skill that separates the great players. He starts by talking about what it is, and why it's important. From there, he goes through video footage of his play to talk about what separates one situation from another.

Poker discussion often becomes focused around finding the "right" play. Today's focus is on what can change about a situation to make the "right" play different. Using these ideas will help you understand a broader range of situations you will find yourself in, so that when you do find the "right" play, you'll know where it applies, and where it doesn't.

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