A Comfortable/casual Friday turns profit.

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A Comfortable/casual Friday turns profit.

So I have been working hard for the past week or so to make it to Gold star.
I passed up grinding Yesterday, and decided to get laid instead lol.

So when i logged on after work today and it said i had 3hours to complete 2 steps and reach gold star... i was like ah w/e no big deal.
So i said what the hell - lets play a $3 spin and go.... BOOM prize pool $75... im like OH SNAP - sits up straight in chair.
I managed to take that down fairly easily i must say..
So i Ordered some pizza after that - had a shower, Made myself a drink.
Sat back down and decided to just chill and play poker tonight instead of just grind away.
I hopped into the Big $4.40 event on Stars and played one table of Zoom Cash game.
Well i managed to place 96th in the MTT for $12 - so i tripled my investment - cant complain much about that...
And i only played like 800 hands of Cash via 1 tabling - but managed to make 6.5 buy ins...

After i was done playing i felt very relaxed - didnt think about one single bad beat/unlucky hand at all, i was happy and in a very good mood.
First time ive been like this after playing a session in a while. Feel like even if im winning in my session - im still getting frustrated with a hand i played badly or got sucked out on the river in a big pot... Idk maybe cause it was Friday who knows.. But hopefully this positive/feel good energy continues to flow.

Got to keep that calm and positive mind everyone - its what i've learned today.
If you focus on problems - You'll have more problems
When you focus on possibilities - You have more Opportunities.

Stay Classy RIO.

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