Escaping the bumhunting midstakes rat race!

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Escaping the bumhunting midstakes rat race!

Who am I?

I'm VonMises, a 3rd world country citizen in his 20s looking to emigrate ASAP from this shithole :D.

Poker Background:

*NL200-NL1000 cashgame player, around 300k winnings lifetime and never a RB PRO but nothing to be proud of because i'm a poker dinosaur (first hand in NL100+ in 2012)
*Only half of that remains in my bankroll. Where the rest went? I have no idea because with $1000 per month you live well here.
*Recreational MTT live & online losing player, and that's not going to change anytime soon.
*Never played 100k+ hands/month, maybe not even 90k.

Why Blogging?

Progress is the most important motivation factor when it comes to working. This may be obvious, but what is not obvious is that we do not always see our progress. In fact, we are prone to lose the notion of it if we do not regularly document what is going on in our lives. That's why keeping a journal is a great way to stay motivated, taking just 5 minutes a day to document your progress and feelings can have a big impact.

Also i want to improve my english so blogging it's a good way to practice. I know that asking for free strat in 2017 is a long shot :P but If you spot a grammar mistake (there's going to be a lot) please let me know.

I'm gonna post weekly reflections about the lifestyle/problems of a midstakes pro mainly for me (to stay accountable) and i don't expect to get many followers because i'm not a great player but maybe some aspiring lowstake grinder can find something usefull.

My Goals:

For the moment and for security reasons (banana republic problems) I will remain anonymous.

This is not my first attempt as a blogger (first on RIO though) and i'm 100% aware that this can be another failed effort fueled by the "typical 2 weeks new years resolution motivation" but i'll do my best.

I hope you meet all your goals in 2017


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