Best pre-flop play for TT here?

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Best pre-flop play for TT here?

Hello Peeps!

I'm going to be bombarding you all with a few noob questions, so please bear with me :)

There are two hands here.

Hand 1:
I'm sitting with a 24 BB stack UTG + 2 on 7 person table. I'm holding TT, and UTG+1 (32bb stack) (who has been pretty active and raising a fair bit from all positions) raised 2.2x. People behind me are relatively weak, not really 3 betting much without premium hands, but have been limping a lot and calling raises. I decided to Re-jam my stack as i put Original raiser on KQ+, 88+, AJ+, thinking that i'd have decent fold equity in some cases, and at worst flipping. But then i realised later that my fold equity against this player was lesser than i thought since he seemed to be calling a lot of raises as well.

My question is, given the above information, is it better to flat his raise and get more people in for value, or is it better to re-jam and try get heads up against him? And with a 25BB stack, should i be happy going in against AJ+,kq+? Also, if i flatted and everyone folded and i was heads up against him, on a K94 board, do i usually get it in?

Hand 2: I have just joined the table so dont have many reads on the players.
UTG (300Bb) Raises 3x, its folded to me (80BB) on BTN and i re-raise 4x with KK, and UTG calls. Flop is QQA. He checked, I checked. Turn T, he bet half pot, i called, river 7, he bets 2/3 pot, i fold.

Did i play this wrong? Should I have C-bet the flop? What would be the best play here?

Thanks in advance!

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