Looking for an MTT HH to review

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Looking for an MTT HH to review

Hey guys,

I'm going to review a member's HH of a deep tourney run for a video series.

If you're interested in submitting your own mtt HH please post the details of the tourney in the thread.

I will pm the person(s) I have selected. Please do not pm me (it will just get cluttered and be tougher to keep track of).

Requirements to submit an HH:

-Tourney BI must be 109+
-You must FT the tourney.
-You need to be able to access the Payout structure for relevant ICM decisions (through pocketfives or a screenshot of the lobby or w/e).
-Tourney must have at least 100 runners. (I'm aiming to make a ~3 part series).
-You must be an elite member at RIO

Please comment below with the mtt in question if you fit the other requirements. Please include a link to the P5s if you have it. If you have a lobby screenshot you don't need to include it, I'll simply get it from you when I pm you if you're selected.

Thanks a lot!


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