Was that a punt? 20€ Monster stack on Winamax, preflop decision facing a 4bet with AKss close to the bubble

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Was that a punt? 20€ Monster stack on Winamax, preflop decision facing a 4bet with AKss close to the bubble

20€ bi, 500p, 8hnd, 50k starting stack

Hero: 300k on 4/8k blinds close to the bubble

weak random short player flats bb utg
LoJack: very tight passif (10/9 and 7%3b) player makes it 24k
Hero: AKss in the high jack and just flats 24k
Vilain: table CL in sb (580k) 4bet to 120k (not enough hands played against but does not seem too spewy)
Utg folds
Lojack intial 3bettor folds (?!, must be folding KQss, AJss, AQo, and 77 to 1010?!)
I tank max and 5bet jam AKss
Vilain snapps with AA aaaaaaaaaand... we out :(

My opinion, I thought that having hidden the real stregnth of my hand, I m more enclined to 5bet jam facing a big size 4bet. which could be a squeeze.
But now I think that this might have been a punt because:

1st: the initial 3bettor OOP is very tight passif so the 4bettor should know that the range he will be facing has to be pretty nutted
2nd: because the 3bettor was so range nutted, i first decided to go to the streets and to see a flop IP vs him
3rd: we are pretty close to the bubble and there's no need to play a high variance strategy
4th: when vilain 4bets that big OOP(120k over a 24k 3bet sitting on 580k), he s totally polarized: air or QQ+ but at the same time, I block AA, KK and Ak and i even thought that he might in fact have the same hand (AK)

So in conclusion, should I ve folded or should i ve flatted, regarding pot odds and being IP with AKss (drawing dead only to AA which we do block)?

Was my 5bet jam a total useless and suicidal punt?


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