can we get some vids on specifically the initial 5 card set (for h/u play)?

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can we get some vids on specifically the initial 5 card set (for h/u play)?

this seems to be the #1 area of disagreement with sometimes many different reasonable ways to set.  there HAS to be a "BEST" way to set though ESPECIALLY when on the btn as we get to see the first 5 cards of our opponent and can thus counter his set accordingly.  if we could get a vid or some expert thoughts on it I would greatly appreciate.  also, i guess i think the vids/thoughts should really be elaborated on as to WHY as much as possible since it is the WHY that is vitally important and can be applied to other similar situations.

for example, if our opponent has set:




and we hold 8h 9h Ah 8s 7c

are we supposed to set the higher pair (88) on the bottom since he has 77? or should we run the 3 flush especially since it is also 3 overs to his 77? should we consider setting the Ah on top with the 3 straight on bottom? IDK but there are so many options with many valid arguments behind them and there has to be one that is the MOST + EV or the least -EV.  

You can find people on 2+2 saying stuff like "well i would prefer to do X because of A,B,C reasons" and then another player facing the same situation say he would do Y because of D,E, and F reasons.  These conflicting opinions really offer no useful insight because they seem to be purely opinion based and not very mathematically based.

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