Double-edged Sword | Spin&Go $60
Posted by SM0LK0
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Poker Journals
Double-edged Sword | Spin&Go $60
Hey, everyone)
This poker journal means a lot to me.
My name is Ilya, you may know me as SM0LK0 on Pokerstars and at the moment i'm playing $60 Spin&Go'es, coaching low limits in the biggest russian poker school of Spin&Go, preparing for the IELTS exam, having one of the most popular blog about S&G in Russia and working semi-hard on my strategic skills and attitude in general.
I am good in any kind of poker software and always in touch with all new features.
My weakest side is a game against recreational players. I have normal results vs regs and i believe that's because of my GTO approach in game learning.
But in the last 4-5 month i had smth like illumination, i finally figure out how wildly i can and should exploit weak players and how learning of GTO can help in it.
Thats what about will be this blog.
My goal is become top 10 reg in $100 Spins in next year and start playing MTT with ABI around $30.
I love poker and community of players with all my heart, thats why i start my blog here, because all who love this site love the game and that means we are kind of soul mates)
So my skype is "ilya.smolko" and it's always open for you.
I guess that enough for 1st post and sorry for my English if i made some mistakes. It will improves in next 5 months
Good luck and stay tuned)
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