GTO river range contstruction help

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GTO river range contstruction help

Hey everybody, sorry if this is in the wrong area. I'm currently working on designing multiple river value:bluff contruction, and I was wondering if my range at the river is influenced by the line we take to arrive at the river. Are we supposed to be designing ranges for bet bet bet,
bet check bet, and check bet bet? And also does position play a factor when constructing optimal river ranges?

For example, say hero is CO vs villian OTB
Hero decides to bet 1/2 pot at the river on As 7h 2d 3h Kc

Hero's value betting range would look something like:
AA, 77, 22, 33,
AK, A7o,
A3s, A2s
which is 58 combos, so hero needs 19 bluff combos in order to make villian indifferent.

So hero's bluff range could look something like
QJ-98hh, 65hh
QThh-T8hh, 86hh, 64hh
Q8hh, J8hh,
which is 19 combos.

Notice how I designed these ranges for a bet, bet, bet line. Hero would always take this line with his VALUE bet,bet,bet range and his triple barrel bluffing range by the river. And these ranges make sense for CO vs BTN, because hero would never play Q8hh, or J8hh in an earlier position.

So that all makes sense and is fine and dandy, but what happens if hero had taken a Bet check bet line instead, and hero bets 1/2 pot at the river? Do I need to design entirely new ranges for value/bluffs at the river?

So I'm thinking:

For value:
K7ss K7dd
41 combos

So i need (41/.75) -41 = 14 bluff combos

For bluffs
QJss, QJcc, QJdd
and 2/3 of QJo
which is roughly 14 combos.

Am I doing it right?

And what about position? Do I need an entirely different river range construction based on my position? Like obviously I can't include Q8hh and J8hh and if I were opening UTG.


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