Holding myself accountable in 2019
Posted by flash2717
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Poker Journals
Holding myself accountable in 2019
As per the title I am going to make 2019 the year I start taking poker more serious as well as my life. I am aiming at becoming a better poker player and just better at planning out my life so I can enjoy it a little more in the years to come. I don't enjoy my job at all so I am currently trying to finish up my accounting degree so I can find a job I enjoy more, will also give me more freedom financially, and also one that gives more freedom in being able to enjoy my life with my little boy. I have been playing poker at a semi serious level for about 10 years now and am a small winner over the years. Having this journal I feel will help me with the support and guidance I need to succeed in my endeavors as a semi-professional poker player and taking control of my life so I can enjoy my time on this earth as much as possible. I have played approximately 500k hands of online poker and am a very small winner without much studying or effort. Last I looked on PT4 I am winning at a 3bb/100 clip. That's not that great but overall with how little effort I have put in I can't complain at all.
I am starting with a bankroll in poker of $3,000 which is separated from my life roll. I currently play 50NL zone on Ignition about 15 hours per week and also play in a 1/2 home game once or twice a month. I haven't been studying as much as I feel I should which has basically led me to a point where I feel like I am stuck in neutral in my poker "career". I use the word "career" lightly as I do work a full time job and haven't spent the time and energy into becoming a better player that it takes to make poker a "career". I am writing down my goals and plans to get it out in the open and hopefully gain the support needed to excel in my endeavors. I am aiming on updating this thread once a week with how I feel I've done sticking to my plan of becoming a better poker player and just overall happier in my day to day life of enjoying my little boy and all the joy he brings into my life. So, here are my poker goals and life goals for the year. I plan on breaking these down into monthly goals to keep everything more attainable and to hopefully keep the frustration level to a minimum if possible.
Poker Goals
1) Play 200k hands by the end of the year (20k hands per month)
2) Work my way up from 50NL zone to 200NL zone (win 30BI before taking a 5BI shot at the next limit)
3) Study a minimum of 3 hours a week of poker
4) Keep this updated weekly
5) Post bi-weekly updates on Youtube of my bigger hands and progress
6) Play live poker 2 times a month because the games in my area are so juicy!!!
Life Goals
1) Take my little boy on vacation twice this year
2) Finish 5 classes per term in school
3) Get into better shape mentally with where I'm at in life as well as where I am going
4) Use my calendar on my phone to stay more organized
5) Exercise 3 days a week to strengthen my core so my back doesn't hurt as bad
I didn't want to make anything as far as financial goal with poker because variance can be a dirty * for the most part so I figured making a plan to play X amount of hands seemed much better. I also don't have any plans of not working and playing poker full time however I do know it can be a wonderful side income compared to actually working a second job. Needless to say I am very excited about this journey and feel with the help of everyone here I can be successful this year in my goals and the challenges that await. Thank you in advance for the support and I look forward to this journey and crushing the year 2019!!!
See you all on the felt!
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