From NL25 to NL 1k in 1 year?
Posted by Horkitorki14
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From NL25 to NL 1k in 1 year?
Hey Guys
Quick Introduction:
I am 26 years old. I studied 4.5 years economics at the university of Zurich just to quit it without even having a bachelor. You can see - I've never really been in love with it. That's why I decided to turn Poker pro a bit more than 2 years ago.
I am a cash game pro and have been playing up to NL500 (shotted a bit of NL1k) on GG. I did pretty well without putting too much effort in it.
I am currently travelling around the world, living my dream, playing whenever and where I want in order to pay my bills. I love it.
My Problem:
Whenever i had a nice roll on my account I started to play MTTs since I find them really interesting, fun, more competitive and just the feeling / chance before a session that you might win 20k + today is just really exciting isn't it?. At begin, I did really well and made roughly 30k in the first 1.5k mtts (average buy in 75$). Since then (roughly June 2021) I've lost 45k in MTTs tho. I run insanely bad (bubbled like every possible big FT or lost huge flip in softbubble etc) but i do't want to just blame bad luck. I am sure the MTT regs have a (decent) edge on me since i never really studied ICM etc, yet i see soo many bad plays (players) in the tournaments. So i continued to try over and over again, just to keep loosing. It was very frustrating because I felt that I played pretty well.
Mentally it was really tough to handle and i realised how the outcome of a tourney grind day also influenced my happiness / state of mind since i played for quite some money. Beside that, it had also impact on my performances at the cash game tables. Since I played less in the pool I didn't know the players so well anymore, wasn't in the "zone" that often anymore, since cash games and MTTs are just very different in the end. (and its hard to play seriously NL200 after loosing 3-5k on a Sunday haha). So instead of playing cash games and win easy / steady money I lost a bunch at MTTs.I am completely on my own in this poker journey, in a strategic way. My family and all friends support me which I am really grateful for. But in the pokerworld I basically don't have any personal contacts. That's very much -EV.
Last few weeks
I played a more or less break even Scoop Series on Stars but lost like 95% of my 11k bankroll on GG during that period, always knowing in the back of the head if I really drop down this far I can win it back at cash games if I have to. Pretty stupid in some ways, yet I don't regret it as i think i played pretty well just lost every big flip in big spots, but thats how MTTs work. It just made me realise i need to change something cos can't handle that downswing anymore and its time to focus fully on cash games and grind it up to High Stakes!
My Graph on GG:
My Goals:
- Reach High Stakes Cash Games in the near future
- Having better routines, in life and poker.
- Meditate on a daily basis
- Do some sports / workout (even if its just 50 pushups) daily
- Having a "normal" sleeping schedule. Shutting down every device at 00.00 unless i am playing for leaderboards on GG.
- Read 30min / Day
- I bought A Game Masterclass by Eliot Roe. Try to watch 1 vid / day until i finish it :)
- Improve my Spanish (I am currently in Colombia but going back home soon and i wanna continue learning it)
- Do something nice each day (helping out a person, make a random person smile, gift something nice to someone, something along these lines:)
- Reach ELO 2000 in blitz Chess on Currently at 1725
- Spend much less time on stupid dopamine stuff like IG, watching random poker highlights on YT etc.
- I am a big procrastinator - be aware of it and try to change it everyday by making smarter decisions ;)
- Update this blog regularly
- MTTs:*
- only on Sundays and max. buy-ins = fish rake back that I earned through the week, so it never effects my bankroll as it did in the past.
- Max 9 tables with more concentration on each table (I played up to 16 tables which obv. is bad for ROI)
- Study every Sunday 1-2 hours RYE or other MTT theory courses before I grind.
--> I don't want to give up MTTS and just want to do them properly / profitable / in a healthier way. My goal is to play some big life events in the (far) future.
But my near future should be focused on cash games because there i know for sure i can make good amount of money without mental stress and with normal sleeping schedule / day structure.
Cash Game
- Solve one spot a day and dive deep into it. Make notes on a google spreadsheet that I share with you guys.
- Before playing: Review marked hands from last session or review HH import in GTO Wizard from last session.
- Only start playing poker on a day if I 1. meditated 2. worked out 3. made my deep analysis of a spot in GTO wizard 4. made my regular warm-up
- Session: Max 90min
- Reach NL 1k+ within next 6-12 months
Hire a coach when I am back home
Road to Glory:Current bankroll on GG: 625$ :( :( :(
- I'll start at NL25
- move up to NL50 when i reach 1k
- move up to NL100 when i reach 2k
- move up to NL200 when I reach 4k
- move up to NL500 when I reach 11k
move up to NL1k when I feel ready
Play 5 days a week, take one 1 day fully off and do 1 day theory only.
- Go for top 3 in leaderboard min. once but max. twice a week (I don't to spend 8 hours + / day playing poker more then twice a week) -
Here is my spreadsheet where i keep track over my routines, pokerresults, goals and other stuff like notes when I read a book etc. For you guys just the results are relevant I sadly cant block access for the other sheet but whatever :)
Start: Today, 20.06.2022.
Let's Crush!
Speak to you guys soon.
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