New way to NEVER get tilted and learn at same time!

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New way to NEVER get tilted and learn at same time!

I have used a new technique to help prevent any negative emotions while playing poker.  I consider my mental game the best part of my game.  I have studied mental toughness extensively and it has helped me to literally never tilt.  I consider this part of my game the strongest, and gives me confidence that I am the most even keeled player at the table.

I still have negative emotions like everyone during a downswing or bad run.  I think I solved a way to never feel any negative emotions, even while being sucked out on.  I am now trying to calculate the exact percents of me being sucked out on.  So when I get a bad beat I tell myself.  I was a 75-25 fav/ 3-1 fav in that spot.  So I learn all the odds in every situation along the way of getting sucked out on.  Once I learn all the odds, then I can be pissed again at being sucked out on!!

What do you guys do to prevent any negative emotions while on a downswing or running bad?

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