Rake river question Pokerstars (required equity when bluffing/bluff catching)

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Rake river question Pokerstars (required equity when bluffing/bluff catching)

I'd like to know if the required equity when bluffing and bluff catching on the river works like this when accounting for a 5% Rake on Pokerstars (uncapped or within cap range to make it simple) :

- You bet 75% on the river, normally you'd need to get folds 75/175 = 42.85% of the time in order to break even.
- When accounting for the rake, is it correct that you'd need to get folds 75/(175x0.95) = 75/166.25 = 45.11% of the time?

Bluff Catching
- You face a 75% bet on the river, normally you'd need to have the best hand 75/250 = 30% of the time in order to break even.
- When accounting for the rake, is it correct that you'd need to have the best hand 75/(250x0.95) = 75/237.5 = 31.58% of the time?

=> Or does it work completely differently, and if so how? I'm playing on Pokerstars, I tried to check in HM and H2N but they seem to take the rake into account in different ways so I'm confused.

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