Results oriented gambling approach to the game, need help
Posted by Hawkeye10
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Mental Game
Results oriented gambling approach to the game, need help
I have been playing low stakes cash games in India for 4 years and low stakes online at high frequencies. Sometimes 4-5 times a week.
Over this time I’ve never managed a bank roll. Never used to save, always spending & play poker without managing one. In all honesty, I’ve always been an average player who has decent experience in the game. I want to become better now as I have immense love for the game.
Over the last year I’ve had this sudden urge to make more money out of pots, sessions and poker in general. Used to throw in money knowing my decision is wrong just to get a better result, I feel the time I give isn’t giving me the return at times. Always felt like gambling to make more money. With financial issues and not being the type to save money I feel I have started losing the value for money. I started getting more result oriented which affected my poker games, mood, my work and life in general.
Hoping to get a long term solution for this where I can keep playing better poker, get over this gambling approach, manage a bank roll, how do I change my approach to the game in terms of money and move away from being result oriented, make better decisions & overall be successful at the game.
Would love some tips and advice from the run it once community.
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