RIO Poker: Player Council
Posted by Phil Galfond
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Phil Galfond
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Run It Once Training
RIO Poker: Player Council
Regular and meaningful dialogue with the poker community is a pivotal part of the plans for Run It Once Poker. This will happen organically in forums like this one, and we will always endeavor to read everything that is posted and to respond when appropriate. However, we believe we will also benefit from a more formalized interaction process with a smaller group of representative community members. So as we continue to work towards launching our site, we are forming the Run It Once Player Council.
The Player Council will bring community concerns, questions and ideas directly to senior Run It Once staff. They will participate in regularly scheduled meetings with our Poker Room Manager, and have meetings with other executive staff when need dictates. We will have discussions with them regarding changes we are considering to our product and offerings. We will also provide the opportunity for the Player Council to verify claims we might make to the community about our rake/rewards calculations, the security of player funds, or similar matters.
These will be volunteer positions. Should we have in-person meetings, we will cover expenses. But otherwise, while we greatly appreciate the effort, we feel making these paid positions would undermine the purpose of the Council -- to be an independent representative of the poker community. For individuals who already stay updated on the concerns of the poker community, the additional time commitment required to be involved in the Player Council should not prove excessive.
We are intending to select a four to five player committee. We need engaged and respected members of the community - people who have track records as constructive forum contributors.
If you’d like to be considered, please email [email protected] by October 1st. A short poker and forum bio is all that’s needed - please include any relevant screen names. We would ideally like representatives from a variety of games/stakes, and playing professionally is not a prerequisite.
We are doing everything we can to build a site that you will enjoy playing on, but we need serious community engagement to make it more than that. This is a personal request I’m sending out to those who care about the game as much as I do. If you think you would make a great Player Council member, if you want to have direct access to our senior management and help us stay focused on what poker needs, then please throw your hat in the ring.
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