Specific tilt issue
Posted by SPrince
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Mental Game
Specific tilt issue
Hi guys.
I'v been playing poker off and on for a couple of years, mostly mid stakes cash and mtts.
Tilt has always been a major issue in my game but a very special kind of tilt.
What i mean by this is that i almost never tilt after a normal loss or a suckout for example.I might get sad from time to time if i lose a really big pot or i get knocked out in the late game of a tourney but it almost never lasts for long or is problematic and i usually forget about it in a matter or seconds.
What has always got me to the point of boiling - is playing against the players who play lightning fast.The usual greedy, toxic, kamikaze fish or reg fish who take poker personally.
You know what i mean...the spew, spazz monkeys who play like they snorted a kilo of coke and think the point of poker is to win every hand in any way, snap action every street and take every bit of equity to the grave.
I just hate those type of players.
Just having them at my table and watching them throw shit at each other even without playing a single hand vs them, induces a type of soft tilt that seriously hurts me game and if i lose vs them i can usually kiss my session goodbye.
Now the problem is that there's a lot of those type of players in poker (especially at the low-mid stakes), and are almost unavoidable.You almost always get at least one-two per 6 max table and more on 9 max.
This has become a major problem for me and is making poker unenjoyable.Even winning against them ends up to be bittersweet b/c they usually fill me up with so much negative energy that it's becoming almost not worth to even play.
If any of you guys have experienced similar issues and recommend some tips or tricks on how to deal with them i would really appreciate it.
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