Struggling With The 'This Is Not Fair' Tilt
Posted by michael14561
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Mental Game
Struggling With The 'This Is Not Fair' Tilt
Hi all,
I've been really struggling the past month with getting frustrated with how often I'm losing all in's. I keep having this voice inside of me hammering 'This is not fair!' everytime I lose an all-in. I have this really stupid tendancy to refresh my graph each time I lose a flip.
It's really starting to negatively effect my game. I've improved a lot recently gameplay wise (thank you RIO!) and (in an ev adjusted sense) have become a good winning player. However, when I start running below ev in a session now I get frustrated, curse how unfair it is and ultimately, my game suffers because of this. I recognise how irrational it maybe but in the moment it always seems to get to me.
Any tips, exercises, articles, books, RIO vids or RIO threads to read would be much appreciated.
Graph below for reference
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