Summer Grinding Log
Posted by blackbat
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Poker Journals
Summer Grinding Log
Hey all. I'll start off with a little bit about myself. I'm currently an undergrad going into my third year studying Economics. I've played poker for a year and a half. I started taking poker seriously about 6 months ago. I grinded up $30 into about $800 playing mostly 6 max zoom. My mental game was terrible however and as soon as I had a massive downswing at 16nl and lost 10BIs in one day I practically tilted the rest away.
This is where my new start and log begins. I'm starting at 5NL, playing zoom and regular tables. I'm going to target 4K hands a day across these playing up to 4 tables of zoom or anywhere from 4-12 regular tables. I plan on doing this all across summer and moving up when I feel I have the essential required # of buy ins (probably 10 for 10nl and then 20 for 25NL etc).
My aim this time is to ensure my mental game and my poker game itself is the best it can be. I'll be watching RunItOnce videos, watching a few notable Twitch streamers, posting hands to my study group, reviewing my hands consistently and relisten to the mental game of poker.
I normally wake up and go for a run before my morning grind, go gym in the afternoon and then have another grind later in the day.
Let the rungood begin :)
Initial BR: $50
Current BR: $651.80
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