Variance or do I just suck
Posted by wdres123
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Mental Game
Variance or do I just suck
So I've been taking poker somewhat seriously for something like a year now. I've only really been putting in any reasonable volume for the last few months and up until the last month or so it's been relatively smooth sailing. As you can guess from this post that's not the case anymore. I guess I'm just looking for some advice or guidance on how to improve from here.
When I started I knew a bit about the game but was basically just a fish. Despite that starting out tbh it has felt very...easy. I started out 2 tabling at 5nl on ignition and beat it for something like 25 ev bb/100 over a few thousand hands. Obviously not a remotely big enough sample size, but I felt pretty comfortable in the game so I took a shot at 10nl. 10nl felt pretty similar and I put in about 15k hands before shot taking 25nl. 25nl did feel like a bit of a jump but I still felt relatively confident in the games. I again ran at something like ev 11 bb/100 over around 8k hands. Obviously I ran well, but I felt relatively confident in the games and was happy working on my game a bit more before shot taking 50 once I had a bit more of a roll. I started mixing in 25 zone as well which felt a good bit harder than reg tables but was good practice and made volume a lot easier.
Then this happened
The huge downswing is over the last couple weeks. It started at 25 zone so I went back to the reg tables exclusively as I wasn't really rolled for zone...and then just kept losing. I took a week off, dropped down to 10nl for a few sessions, studied more, did lots of session review, played only when I was fresh, but all of a sudden I just can't win anymore. I've had something like 11 losing sessions in a row, and am coming off a particularly bad one today that honestly makes me feel like just giving up. At this point it just feels like I've been on a heater for 30k hands before this. I love poker and want to continue to improve and move up but these last few sessions have just been so utterly miserable and at this point I'm really struggling to tell the difference between run bad and play bad. It feels like I've just lost all sense of what is good poker, and I'm having a really hard time being objective in session reviews and while playing etc. I still have so much work to do on my game, but it's not like the games I'm playing in are very tough (at all lol), which makes it even more frustrating when I consistently lose.
I guess my question after all the rambling is what is the best way to approach this? How do I know what is just variance and what needs a lot of work? Take more time off? Work even more on the technical game? Just give up? This has definitely unearthed some mental game problems which I plan on working on as well, but I'm just feeling overwhelmed with everything at this point and where to even start, and very demoralised. If you have read all these rambling so far I really appreciate it lol and any kind of guidance would be greatly appreciated.
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