Victim mentality and entitlement have crept into my mindset! What can I do?

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Victim mentality and entitlement have crept into my mindset! What can I do?

Recently I've noticed that a weird combination of these two flaws are prominent in my mindset mid session.

When bad beats happen I find myself saying "yeah obviously" and in spots where I know someone is never bluffing and has to have got there (usually luckily) I say "he's never bluffing here" and put him on maybe his exact hand and then call off saying again the "yeah obviously! Fuck I run so bad" or some shit like that...

Also it seems like because about 6 months ago I got into a really good flow and zone were I was just crushing my stakes on the euros and felt untouchable there seems to be a kind of entitlement complex for results...

What can I start doing pre, during & post sessions to get to the crux of these habits and mental flaws and get back to enjoying the game, playing my best and crushing.

N.B. I think sometimes after bad beats where I feel like a victim I'm prone to calling off in light spots or being a bit spewy "because obviously I'm not going to win and bust on the FT bubble...." ssssiiiggghhh...

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