AA MW, facing a raise on dry flop and turn bet. call/xshove T?

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AA MW, facing a raise on dry flop and turn bet. call/xshove T?

Hello guys, I am not sure if I played it well. After hand review I would say, that x/shove OTT would be the most +EV option.
Few reasons: Villain is checking back most of his Jx OTR and probably calling some of them vs a shove. Just because at those limits my reads are that people are not capable to fold Jx hands. V would also call his draws vs shove and people also are not pulling triggers enough as a bluff.
That means I would get an extra value from Jx and draws. Rarely without equity driven bluffs, would often check back OTR. I also do not see that many 2x hands or full houses in his range. I also block some of them with my Aces which is good. It does not really matter actually, because he would bet river with those hands, so regardless I would pay for it in both lines.


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