Anyone have a good guideline for tipping in live casino games?

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Anyone have a good guideline for tipping in live casino games?

I don't always keep track of my tips during a session, but from the few times I have tried it seems that I am tipping anywhere from $10-$20 per day. At 5-6 days a week that can be $200-$400 per month going out in tips. I just can't figure out a guide that will help me be fair with my tips. My casino is 10% rake capped at $5 with $2 promo ($1@$10 - $2@$20). So playing $1/$2 and winning a $50 pot would be paying out $7, then you add $1 tip. I am thinking maybe if playing $1/$2 we should not tip every hand we win, and maybe tip $1 for pots over $50. At $2/$5 we might tip $2 if deep stacked and we win a larger pot. Thoughts??

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