EQ distribution and how solvers think

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EQ distribution and how solvers think

Hello Guys!
I am paying with flopzilla and GTO+ to get a better understanding of eq distribution and bet sizes and maybe get the big picture of a solver's mind. My goal is to develop my understanding of ranges and appropriate bet sizes in different situations. Plenty of factors matter, like raw-eq, nutted-eq, vulnerability, etc. vs villain's range. I think, I understand the theory behind the connection of bet sizing with range structure, then a spot appears and makes me uncertain instantly. Let's take a look at the following spot:
It's a 3bet pot between SB and CO with the following ranges (you can copy-paste them into GTO+ or flopzilla):

Flop: Tc9d6c



So some statements:
* SB has a very tiny raw equitiy advantage here.
* SB has a nut eq disadvantage (straights, sets, two pairs) with 8,23 vs 10,55 combos, but has an advantage in the number ov overpair combos.
* SB has a positional disadvantage
* SB's value range (top pair +) is vulnerable

So my first guess was, SB is checking the most if his range, if not the whole. I run the sim and was a bit shocked what i saw. SB is checking ~50% of the time and betting BIG 35% of the time. Then I took a dive into the ranges in flopzilla and realized that if we filter out top pair+ hands, SB has a huge range advantage, but most of his holdings are very vulnerable. But we are out of position and there are a ton of bad turns for us to continue or just reach SD. With large cbets, we will sitting in the pot with a smallish SPR against a nut heavy range. Opinions guys?
What do you think, what would happen if we swapped the ranges?

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