How to improve my IP play as PFR

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How to improve my IP play as PFR

So I'm looking at my results in different situations compared with different player profiles out of my db.
My ev bb/100 when open btn and face no 3b -1 caller is worse than profiles I am overall doing much better than so I'm thinking this is an area I can improve on.
Any ideas what I should looks for or any filters to hioghlight likely weaknesses?
My cb is 73/45/47. Flop is too high, which when corrected will make turn go up obv.
I actually think a low turn cb is correct as turn cb % IP is only 35%.
I'm finding B-X-B is succesful about 60% v 2/3 sizing so maybe checking turn with some lower equity draws, then bluffing the river when it's checked to me is a higher ev line that bet turn? River cb success is around 50% overall but I'm showing a decent loss with my bluffs when compared to giving up so I don't think triple barrel with missed draws is good.

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