how to study with only note?

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how to study with only note?

hey guys.
Yeah topic is pretty weird. I know.
When I go and work at my job, I have plenty of time and nothing to do.
So I decided to study poker. However, there are some problems.
In my workplace, internet is blocked so could not read some poker blogs, RIO comment, and etc.
Also, reading book is not allowed.
The only thing that I can use is note, pen and my brain.
Here is my plan.

I will write down some flop/turn/river boards in my note and then bring it to my workplace.
And imagine some situation, such as EP vs BTN 3 bet pot, and then do some range work(building range: what to bet and what to check; something like that).
And when I come back to home, I will compare my range work with software: GTO+(solver) and Pokersnowie.
Is it right way to improve my game?

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