Is 1/3 cbet flop overused ?

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Is 1/3 cbet flop overused ?

Hello i solve different flop and different hand and what i dsocvered is that on almost every flop 1/2 pot is the best cbet strategy for ip
Do you get similar result ?
Even on dry flop the ev of 1/3 pot is equivalent
Also 2/3 and 3/4 pot seem almost never used, the solver prefer to use 1/2 or full pot sizing(On the flop)

Even tho i have solved with different sizing and range, do you got the same result in your solver ?

Also on complete blank turn the most ev overbet sizing seem to be aroudn 200 % pot to match with an 200 % overbet shove river
Why the 200 % ob sizing is underused when its should be the best ?

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