Live Poker Isolating

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Live Poker Isolating

1-3 game

Lady w $106 limps
Hero on bttn w T7cc
Blinds are two old people who seem pretty passive

How wide do you think is appropriate to isolate here? I think something like JTo+, 54s+, 64s, 75s, 86s, 97s, T7s, K9o, ATo, 44+. However, given the passivity of the live environment, maybe I can be isolating much wider than I currently am from the bttn. When people are only 3betting JJ+ and no AK, maybe we can go as wide as things like 98o, 53s, Q2s, etc. Here stack size is a bit of an issue and thus may make isolating too wide worse, but this may be more true with 50bb+ or something similar. Thoughts from people who have played quite a bit of live and successfully isolating wide vs limpers?

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