Not happy with my stats

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Not happy with my stats

Hi, been lurking around but this is my first post. 

I've been playing NL100 Zoom and I have a bit of an issue with some of my stats. I'm not looking to get a whole stat analysis (well I won't dislike that :)) but rather sompe pin pointers on some specific issues which I will state bellow. 

 For the last 100k hands here are some vital stats:

bb/100: 2.87

VPIP: 22

PFR: 18

3bet: 6.3

Foldto3bet: 61

4bet: 9.1

WTSD: 24.5

WSD: 56

WWSF: 43.6

Cbet F: 61

Cbet T: 48

Cbet R: 49

First I'm satisfied with my winrate but I'm really out of touch with what people are making now days. Is it good or just so so?

I've been playing on and off for many years and when I look at my stats I always come back to my WWSF and WTSD both which imo are to low. But I just can't get my self to increase them. Seems like the best players have higher stats here, even the ones playing my nit style preflop (22/18)? I've read that I should be calling down more, looking to barrel more, be more aggressive in general but to be honest it really feels like I'm already doing that a lot. At points I even feel I'm bluffing to much. I've Come to a point where I just don't know what to do anymore in order to improve, but I really want to. Would like to be able to compete with the better regs at higher stakes but at the moment it feels like I'm very far behind, anyway when looking at my stats. I feel I have the mental game, I feel I'm thinking correct at the tables but I just don't know how to get better. 

I recently took a shot at NL200 Zoom and needless to say got slaughtered. I know I ran horrible but I'm sure part of it was also that the regs were better than me. I saw some regs playing more like 28/21 3 betting like crazy and having a WTSD of 30 and WWSF of 48. I wish I could be like that, lol. But whenever I try I just end up spewing like a maniac then I forget about stats and go back to playing my game and get a steady win and then finally back to looking at stats for the full circle :).

So I guess my conclusion is I need some help figuring how to go from here and more specifically how to improve some of my stats.

Thanks for a great site guys and girls

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