Toy game

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Toy game


If I take the toy game, where OOP has 44-66 and KK-88, and IP has AA and 77. The board is 22233, pot is 1 and bet allowed (no raise) is 1.

I understand OOP should X 100%, then IP bet AA 100% and 77 50%. Then OOP defend a total of 33% bc he defends actually 50% of 88-KK.

But I thought about it, and IF OOP would make a mistake, and think that he needs to defend 50% total, so he defends 50% total with the right part of the ranges (88-KK), if IP doesn't make adjustments and keep betting the same GTO range, he is not winning EV at all. I think the EVs are the same. IP would get a 0EV bluff, and win more with AA and it would be the same EV.

But the fact that OOP has a 44-66 part in his range is not relevant at all. It would be the same concept if we use K vs A, Q. if OOP call the wrong frequency and IP doesn't adapt, IP don't win EV. But the deviation in call frequency with K vs A, Q would just be a different number but there would not be an EV difference also.

I think if you play a mix strategy hand as a pure strategy, you are not losing any EV unless your opponent adapts. And overcalling in a spot where you should be overfolding is actually one of those, unless really you start choosing the wrong combos.

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