Very Deep 1/3 with KK
Posted by Tap85
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Mid Stakes
Very Deep 1/3 with KK
Is a triple straddled hand 1/3/6/12/24
I open to 74 utg w/KK btn calls (never played with before but has reloaded to cover weaker player and has ~2,5k) Weaker player out of straddle peels ( has called off 1500 pre w/ 79o a few orbits previously after he 3bet an open of 10 to 150 and gambled it up vs a cold 4 bet jam) I cover both
842r (240) I cbet 175 and both players call
Turn (765) 5 and weaker player leads 50, I raise to 500 and btn calls, straddle folds
River (1800) J and i fire 1000, button has ~2k and jams pretty quickly.
Any thoughts on all streets appreciated. Thought btn would have all the sets on flop, probably not 76s as rather tight.Was targetting 99/TT/QQ on the river and not really expecting him to ever bluff me. Was a little concerned that a river jam would perhaps fold out some of these hands and I'd end up value cutting myself.
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