Good 9-max SNG ROI in 2017?

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Good 9-max SNG ROI in 2017?

Does anyone have a good feel for what top regulars are able to obtain for SNG ROI in normal 9-max SNGs these days?

To be more specific, I'm playing US sites and plan to reg mostly $10-$109 9man SNG both regular speed and turbo (but not hyper). I've put in meaningless volume so far (like 30 ish games). I am enjoying the format and like the ability to put in short sessions. I feel like I have an edge but I have researched wintates of regs and so far many of the regs I have played have win rates of like -1% to +2% over >1k games samples. This concerns me a little as I would want to be able to obtain an ROI much higher than this to pursue grinding SNGs. (Like 5% +). I know many high volume grinders can have around a break even ROI and still make a decent amount after RB, but for me to justify focusing on SNGs I think around a 5% ROI has to be sustainable. Otherwise, I'm incentivized to just stick with MTTs only.

Any insight would be appreciated, thanks!

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