SheepIt's avatar


7 points

Any comments on the J7 fold on A75 A turn vs half pot? Seems to be overfolding to me, what were the reasons? @7:40

Oct. 31, 2016 | 6:20 p.m.

Dec. 3, 2015 | 1:42 p.m.

having the 7 in the Q7 hand, does not really increase his bluffing portion, he just will bet more since he has less checkdown hands, the value range and the bluffportion that will bluff again is uneffected of you having the 7 there. Plus you actually block 67 that he might still turn into a bluff.
On the positive side, really enjoying your videos, must sees.

Nov. 28, 2015 | 12:29 a.m.

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