Aaron Nadell
100 points
I just upgraded to an LG 42.5" 4k Monitor (43UD79-B) and it is fantastic. I'm running it off a mini display port from my laptop, easy to disconnect and take the laptop when I leave the office.
I got it for ~$500 on amazon.
A good monitor will outlast several computers (my previous monitor was a 30" Dell 3007wfp that I used for 12 years, and it still runs great), and is definitely worth spending money on.
Oct. 16, 2018 | 6:05 p.m.
I believe he is referring to Improving on "1-A" by Steve Paul.
1-Alpha by Tyler Forrester also could be relevant.
June 21, 2017 | 7:01 p.m.
Years ago I had a lot of pain from using a mouse. My forearm was aching to the point that I was having trouble sleeping at night.
I switched to a trackball and it went away in a couple days.
There is a bit of a learning curve for using a trackball, so at first you might want to keep the mouse hooked up as an emergency backup. That way if you get behind on tables and worried about timing out you can grab the mouse and catch up, but within a few days you won't be needing the mouse at all.
Its been about 10 years since I made the switch, and now when I use someone else's computer with a mouse it feels completely alien and inferior.
I've got the Logitech M570 Wireless Trackball and I love it.
June 14, 2017 | 12:04 a.m.
Nearly dead even as HU play starts.
€1,300,300 for 1st
€903,600 already locked up for 2nd
Aug. 22, 2016 | 4:06 p.m.
There was a technical problem on our end, the audio issue has been addressed and should sound much better now. Thanks for letting us know.
Sept. 22, 2015 | 10:53 p.m.
For day one in particular, leave the headphones in your bag and listen to the table talk. There are a bunch of recreational players playing the WSOP ME as a bucket list event, and a lot of them will openly tell you about their very arbitrary goals and strategies, which are often highly exploitable.
My personal favorite is "I just wanna make day 2" guy, who folds to 3bets for the last 2 levels while showing JJ and AK.
June 27, 2015 | 3:43 p.m.
Coming in 1/9,
$318,977 for first.
The live stream is on a delay, so obviously the updates will spoil the action.
June 12, 2015 | 12:49 a.m.
Im not a hater but just this series was really fun at the start now
its just Pro Vs Pro standard spots not sure if elite quality anymore.
You could say this about virtually any MTT series, as the issues you are describing are inherent to tournament poker.
While it is undoubtedly easier to learn endgame strategies than deep stack play, they are still an incredibly important part of the game, so we continue to show them.
Would like to see some way deeper spots maybe even plo/nlhe cash etc.
The structure was slowed down to allow more time for deep play, but ultimately most tourneys are going to end with some push fold play.
As for doing this with cash games, we aren't ignoring the people who are calling for it, but the logistics are more complicated.
For a tourney, a 10 player free roll with a $10k prize pool is +ev no matter who the other 9 players are.
For a cash game, it is trickier to create an incentive structure that benefits all the players without it being cost prohibitive.
Respect to the guy who had this idea tho it can be huge if done
It was very much a team effort, and we certainly appreciate both the praise and criticisms.
June 10, 2015 | 5:20 p.m.
Wow, what an amazing story. I can't believe I missed this until now. Congrats!
May 17, 2015 | 5:06 p.m.
Thanks, it was a team effort. Lots of work, but as long people enjoy the end product it will have been well worth it.
April 8, 2015 | 9:54 p.m.
Fixed, thanks.
Jan. 30, 2015 | 10:30 p.m.
I had some very painful RSI from multi-tabling poker several years back, bad enough that my forearms would ache at night and keep me from sleeping. It was a miserable experience. On the advice of other grinders, I switched to a trackball and within a week the pain was gone and I was as quick with a trackball as I was with a mouse.
Now every time I use a computer with a mouse it feels strange and foreign to me.
Logitech M570 Wireless Trackball has served me very well, I highly recommend it.
Nov. 5, 2014 | 5:02 p.m.
Chopped the Sunday Million for $168k and chopped the FTOPS Main Event for $143k.
$311,826...not bad for a days work.
Aug. 18, 2014 | 3:24 p.m.
A Dell 3014 currently goes for $1049 on Amazon, which is steep but completely worth it.
Pro Tip: Electronics prices on Amazon fluctuate pretty significantly, you can use camelcamelcamel.com to see if you're getting a decent deal, or if you should wait. You can also set a price alert and they'll email you when it drops below a certain level.
The price on the Dell 30" has been pretty steady. Looks like it went as low as $850 for black Friday (the buy stuff one, not the OMG the government just robbed us one), but for the most part $1050 seems to be the steady price.
As to your second question, yes, resolution makes it easier to see the details.
1080p, like the first monitor you posted, is fine for a television because you're going to be several feet away. For a computer monitor, its not going to be great, especially at that size.
You know how when you get right up close to a TV, you can see each individual colored dot? Those are pixels, the total number of them makes up the resolution. Back to your original monitor, its 1920x1080, which means the image is 1920 pixels wide, and 1080 pixels tall. All of these pixels are distributed across a 27 inch screen.
By comparison, the Dell 30 inch monitor has 2660x1600. This means the pixels are physically smaller, which makes everything look better, particularly from up close.
Aug. 16, 2014 | 4:29 p.m.
Resolution is more important than size. a 27in 1920x1080 is going to be pretty underwhelming as a computer monitor IMO.
Mightyjim suggested 2560x1440, which is a good place to start when you're talking about a big monitor for mass tabling. Keep in mind that you'll need to have a good video card to support that high of a resolution.
The bad news is that this can get pretty pricey. The good news is that a good monitor will last a long time, much longer than your computer. I bought my 30 inch dell nearly 7 years ago. The desktop that it is attached to has been replaced and upgraded multiple times, but the 2500x1600 resolution is on the upper end of the spectrum for computer monitors. Worth every penny.
Aug. 16, 2014 | 3:12 a.m.
Elite Pro Craig McCorkell is also still in, close to a top 10 stack too.
July 13, 2014 | 7:14 p.m.
If you want people to treat you with respect, then you need to treat them with respect.
The above is an example of you making a dismissive post to someone who took the time to give you a serious reply. It is not an isolated incident.
All of this is from one thread. I could probably go on and on, finding many more examples, but I think the point has been made.
Your own behavior is not conducive to healthy discussion. If you want people to take you seriously, it starts with treating them respectfully.
July 4, 2014 | 3:39 p.m.
One small but important correction to Mikey's post:
Gold Coast is next to the Rio, and is an excellent value.
The Golden Nugget is downtown on Freemont street, which is definitely not where you want to stay.
June 6, 2014 | 8:03 p.m.
May 29, 2014 | 2:55 p.m.
Gold Coast is perfect for WSOP on a budget. It is cheap, clean and across the street from the Rio. If you are just looking for a place to sleep while you grind tourneys, there is no better value.
If you are trying to keep your expenses down, there is a free shuttle that runs from the Rio to the middle of the strip (drops off at Harrah's, Bally's and Paris IIRC), which is a good way to save on cab fare.
May 17, 2014 | 3:05 p.m.
Yep, check out the video and you can see me scooting out of the way when wade comes flying directly at me.
May 16, 2014 | 9:45 p.m.
Go Pacers!
May 16, 2014 | 7 p.m.
I think everyone here at RIO would prefer that your final video goes something like this:
Best of luck in your future endeavors, and if nothing else feel free to videobomb Ben Sulsky from time to time.
Feb. 18, 2014 | 8:36 p.m.
I talked to James, and he said that he does plan to get back to that final part at some point in the near future.
Feb. 2, 2014 | 5:47 p.m.
You should check out Tom Coldwell's Pro Poker Tools: The Basics, it is focused on Omaha but most of it should translate pretty well since its mainly about using the software.
Dec. 10, 2013 | 5:02 p.m.
You are correct, fixed, thanks.
Dec. 9, 2013 | 8:23 p.m.
Fixed, thanks for the the heads up.
July 27, 2013 | 3:22 a.m.
There was a problem with the video quality, it has been fixed. Apologies for the error, and thanks for pointing it out so we could get it right.
July 8, 2013 | 12:57 a.m.
The plan was for Phil to release a new essential video for June today, but it has been delayed by the fact that Phil is currently 3rd in chips with 13 left in the WSOP $25k 6-max.
Please accept our apologies for the situation, we will have a new essential video from Phil coming out soon, hopefully with some new jewelry clinking in the background.
It's been years since I've played enough tables to fill this screen, but a default pokerstars table is 800 x 570 pixels, so my 3840 x 2160 pixel monitor would fit 4.8 x 3.8 tables, meaning that with very a slight resizing you'd get 20 tables tiled. Obviously you could get significantly more if you are willing to further shrink them down.
Oct. 20, 2018 | 3:19 p.m.