Elite Pro
Lucas Greenwood
Already an online poker veteran of eight years at the age of 24, Lucas "YRWTHMELTHR" Greenwood began playing poker in high school and by graduation had solidified his position as one of the top SNG players on Pokerstars. Looking for a new challenge, he transitioned to no limit cash games with stakes ranging from $400NL to $1000NL and currently carves out a living 4-tabling the $500NL Zoom games on Stars.
Lucas is also an accomplished tournament player, with over $1.3m in online tourney cashes and several mid 5 figure live cashes. He continues to play high stakes tournaments regularly, specifically on Sundays, during wcoop/scoop and live tournaments.
My approach to poker revolves around sound fundamentals, but also stresses the importance of focus, attention to detail, and disciplined decision making. Playing poker for many years, one thing I have learned is that knowing what do, and executing on that knowledge are not the same. While its important to focus on strategical adjustments, and develop a strong theoretical framework for your game you need to also pay attention to the moment and learn when to deviate from your general overall strategy, and how to prepare yourself to perform at a high level.