forever mental fish ? chasing loses problem?

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forever mental fish ? chasing loses problem?

lost 400e, 4bi at 100nl, yesterday agaisnt lucky fish yesterday, but more like cuz of me having shitrun and trying to chase loses -> changing strategy -> forcing showdowns for almost stack with Ahigh ->tilting even more , knowing i tilt, and not quitting cuz thinking i can beat fish even when i tilt but honestly i am not so sure now about it and he probably wasnt even that fishy and played very well yesterday in like 99% of spots ..

also there was some sort of money-scaredness and thats why i tried to chase loses , probably shouldnt play 100nl for a while, or until comfortable BR, was now playing it with 30BI+ . But still thats not the biggest point here. Obv will move-down now to 50nl.

I guess point is like how shitrun influence my play, start to tilt, like when i dont hit for 10 times even a fkin gutshot or anything, or good flop for ur range, cbet it , and he calls u always ... so tilting when they never fold.. especially when u know they coldcall with 30% range .
I guess also best point is that i didnt stick to my more solider strategy, since i started to tilt.. i started to barell no equity hand, simply because it was better board for me etc.
How do u guyz deal with shitrun postflop?

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