How does one study poker?

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How does one study poker?

What sort of tools do the best poker players use? What sort of study routine do pros follow? What medium is best for studying poker?

As far as I can tell these are the basic things you can do to study poker:
Watch videos/live streams.
Read books/strategy articles.
Find a coach.
Read and post on forums.
Discuss the game with other people (skype, in person)
Review hand histories.
Use software such as flopzilla, ICMizer, PT4, etc.
Watch poker on TV.
And of course run it up on the tables.

So here are more concrete questions:
1. What should the ratio of studying to playing look like?
2. From the list above, what would you prioritize, and are there specific sites/books/forums/tools you would recommend?
3. How do you prioritize what you study? It might be cool to figure out the nash push range for 7bb before a 18 person pay jump in an MTT from the HJ, but one would probably be better off learning 10bb push ranges from the SB and BTN first in terms of Chip-EV, as in not near the final table.

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