3-bet pots: Behavior of the 3-bettor on 3-to-flush boards

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3-bet pots: Behavior of the 3-bettor on 3-to-flush boards

I'm currently studying 3-bet pots a bit more in depth. Specifically, I'm interested in the behavior of the 3-bettor on game changer or wet turns, e.g. the turn bringing in the third flush card to a two-tone flop.

The general pattern is clear: The 3-bettor has a high concentration of high card hands and nutted holdings with SDV that either prefer more high cards or static board runouts (blanks) that preseve the 3-bettors range advantage. The PFC has a higher concentration of middling cards and draws. This range prefers game changer and drawy turns that equalize the 3-bettor's nutted overpair- and top pair-type hands. On three-to-flush turns, the 3-bettor resorts to 70%-80% checking on most boards.

What I can make sense of:
I aim at understanding which hands we bet nevertheless as the 3-bettor, although overall, we will have a high checking frequency of course. Let's have a look at these two boards (SB vs. CO, ONLY FLUSHES ARE COLORED):

On the AT6 2 board, the broadway flushes are checking and the low flushes are betting more frequently. On the 852 3 board, this pattern is reversed. My take on this would be the following: We want to bet those flushes that unblock the PFC's continuing range from which we can extract value and check those flushes that block the continuing range. On AT6 2, broadway flushes block hands like AK/AQ/AJ that we want to extract value from and hence check, while 76/65 unblock these and bet. On 853 2, it's actually the lower flushes (JT/T9) that block the PFC's continuing range (JJ, TT, 99, T8, 98). Hence these check and broadway flushes bet. This seems perfectly sensible, at least to me.

What I cannot make sense of:
Enter the QQ5 2 board. The main hands that would call us off here are probably Qx, that is AQ/KQ/QJ/QT. Using the reasoning from above, those flushes that block these hands should predominantly check (AK, AJ, AT, KJ), those flushes that unblock these hands should predominantly bet (T9, 76). However, the solver output is exactly reversed and I fail to make sense of this or come up with a general logic that will help me determine my betting patterns on all three boards. Help?

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