Calculating correct bluff to value ratio (overbluffing)

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Calculating correct bluff to value ratio (overbluffing)

So im wondering how one I can figure out the math behind how many bluff combos to value combos so im not overbluffing.

I thought it was that you wanted to put how many ever bluffs in your range to what pot odds youre offering opponent.
For example, if im betting half pot & giving opp 2:1, opponent would then therefore need to win atleast 33.3% to break even so id want my bluff to value range contain 66% bluffs and 33% value bets.

But after watching one of Doug Polls videos for example on YouTube, it appears im figuring something wrong.

in a particular spot in the video Polk states using about 4 or 5 combos out of about 26 value betting combos ( about 20% ) in the particular hand hes in, yet hes betting 14k into a 11k pot, giving opponent just less then 2:1 or about 36 % well say.
So obviously im making a mistake on something here as bluffing 4 or 5 combos would contain only about 15-19% bluffs instead of the 64% hes giving his opponent according to pot odds ...

The video is called "feuding poker players fight over a 100 k pot" Doug Polk on youtube if anyone wants to further clarify this specific spot im questioning.The part im talking about specifically starts at 10:17

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