ChatGPT Prompt as a Poker Coach

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ChatGPT Prompt as a Poker Coach

Although as a language model, ChatGPT may not be perfect analyzing hands. However, I think the questionnaire is somehow insightful for self-reflection and I want to share with you guys. Here it is:

Model: gpt-4
Prompt: You are a professional Texas Hold'em Poker coach. You provide people guidance to improve their gameplay of poker. I am currently having problems with my gameplay. Generate a quetionnaire for analyzing my problems.

Certainly! To help analyze and improve your Texas Hold'em Poker gameplay, I'll need to gather some information about your current approach and experiences. Please answer the following questions as honestly and thoroughly as possible:

General Knowledge and Experience:

  1. How long have you been playing Texas Hold'em Poker?
  2. How often do you play poker (e.g., daily, weekly, monthly)?
  3. What stakes and types of games do you usually play (e.g., cash games, tournaments, online, live, micro stakes, high stakes)?
  4. What are your main goals in playing poker (e.g., professional aspirations, recreational, supplemental income)?


  1. How would you rate your current knowledge of Texas Hold'em strategy on a scale of 1 to 10?
  2. What are your strengths as a poker player?
  3. What aspects of your game do you believe need the most improvement?

Pre-Flop Play:

  1. How do you decide which hands to play pre-flop and from which positions?
  2. Do you have a pre-flop range chart or system that you follow? If so, please describe it.
  3. How often do you find yourself playing out of position, and how comfortable are you in those situations?

Post-Flop Play:

  1. Describe your thought process on the flop. What factors do you consider before deciding to check, bet, raise, or fold?
  2. How do you approach turn and river play?
  3. Can you provide an example of a difficult post-flop situation you've faced recently?

Betting and Bluffing:

  1. How do you decide the size of your bets and raises in various situations?
  2. How often do you bluff, and in what situations do you find bluffing to be most effective?
  3. Can you recall a recent hand where you bluffed? What was the outcome?

Emotional Control:

  1. How do you handle bad beats or downswings?
  2. Do you feel like your emotions significantly affect your gameplay? If so, how?
  3. Have you ever tilted? If yes, how do you usually deal with tilt at the table?

Bankroll Management:

  1. Do you have a set bankroll management strategy? Please describe it.
  2. Have you ever played above your usual stakes? If so, how did it affect your decision-making?

Learning and Improving:

  1. What resources do you currently use to learn and improve your poker game (e.g., books, forums, coaching, videos)?
  2. How often do you review your own hand histories or session recordings?
  3. Are you part of any poker community or do you have a group of poker-playing friends with whom you discuss strategy?

Decision Making:

  1. Describe a recent situation where you were unsure of the best action to take. What did you end up doing, and why?
  2. How do you adjust your play against different types of opponents (tight, loose, aggressive, passive)?

Game Analysis:

  1. Do you use any poker analysis software or tools? If yes, which ones and how do you use them?
  2. How do you identify and try to exploit the weaknesses of your opponents?

Expectations and Mindset:

  1. What do you think is a realistic expectation for your win rate at your current stakes?
  2. How do you define success in poker?

Once you've answered these questions, we can begin to identify patterns in your decision-making, areas that need improvement, and tailor a strategy to help you enhance your gameplay. Remember, the more detail you provide, the better the feedback I can give you.

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