Constructing preflop 4Bet or fold ranges when OOP facing a 3Bet.

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Constructing preflop 4Bet or fold ranges when OOP facing a 3Bet.

Hi guys,

I have recently been re-designing my preflop ranges, adopting a 3Bet or fold strategy due to rake implications at my low stakes. I am happy with most of my ranges, however I am struggling to work out how to construct my range when facing a 3Bet from OOP. I would ideally like to create a 4Bet or fold range, with no calling from OOP. This leads me to two questions...

Firstly, looking at the MDF when opening 2.5bb and facing a 8bb 3Bet, this would require defends 33% of the time in order to prevent the IP 3Bet from auto-profiting. How much responsibility falls on me to defend this 33%, and how much would fall on players remaining to act? I know this will vary depending on the 3Bettors position.

Secondly, which hands would make the best 4Bet candidates? Would I want to use low suited connectors, cards with good blockers to their value 3Bet/5Bet range? I assume my range would want to be linear if I am never calling OOP.

Thanks for reading, any answers are greatly appreciated!

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