Defending vs 3 bets

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Defending vs 3 bets

Obviously it depends on the size of the 3 bet but generally our MDF is going to be around 33% of our range when faced with a 3 bet.

How do we go about deciding what percentage we should 4 bet and what percentage we should call?

For example i open 15% UTG and we get 3 bet by the BTN. flatting 3 bets OOP has been unprofitable for me so the 33% MDF would have me 4 bet calling QQ+/AK, and i picked A5s-A2s/KQo as bluffs due to blockers.

But if we get 3 bet by the BB i'm probably going to want to flat some hands like JJ and play in position, so how do we decide how often we 4 bet and how often we call in this sort of spot?

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