Do you simplify your turn and river strategy?

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Do you simplify your turn and river strategy?

Do you simplify your turn and river strategy? I saw a youtube vídeo about 1 guy showing how he study, I don't know If is against terms share the vídeo here, so I will just describe, he show his method of simplifying turn, he looks how much ev the gto strategy makes on the turn and then chooses between one of the sizes he use on the turn, then he clear all his turn strategy, after this he starts nodelocking the value hands he bets, and start adding bluffs progressively trying to reach the most close possible, from the EV of the gto strategy, this is the way of simplifying later streets? If you simplify turn and river this is the method that do you use?

Another question, on the vídeo when he wants to see the ev of his simplification, he resolve only the turn, is ok to do this? or is essential to resove the flop too?

Is this a good study method?

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