Does MDF apply on the flop and the turn?

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Does MDF apply on the flop and the turn?

I currently understand that our folding ranges versus 2/3/4/5bet are capped due to MDF, as we let our opponent autoprofit if our F to Steal/3b/4b/5b is too high, and that folding ranges OTR in polarized situations for the aggressor are completely dictated by MDF versus observant players, as if they notice a leak they will either always bluff/ always valuebet rather than bet at the correct frequency.

However, how does MDF apply on the flop and turn? Our and our villains' hands have equities, which make decisions not so clear cut (not that which hands to defend OTR and pre are clear cut either). If our villain decides to have a 1.5x pot strategy on an board that favors his range, must I still defend 40% of my range? Say V opens the LJ and I flat MP, and the flop is K23r. On such a flop, possibly only 10% of my range is top pair+, so if I try to MDF a 1.5x cbet then I will need to defend a wide array of 2nd pairs, which will almost certainly be put into a similiar situation OTT. The Grinder's Manual would say these 2nd pairs have "ghost equity". Is it that V will never construct such a large cbet range properly that we don't just concede the pot to them? Or are we just forced to give pots away in certain situations due to bad flops and bad turns?

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