NL2 zoom, trouble with 3b pots

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NL2 zoom, trouble with 3b pots

Hello! I've been starting playing poker again after about 1 year break since i lost interest. I played on regular tables and was winning at nl5 over a large sample. Though, the last days I've been playing nl2 zoom and i can't seem to beat it, I have a very low sample of a couple thousand hands but i've lost like 10 BI already. And from what i can tell it's in those 3bet pots, I have a OP and villain raises or shows any sign of aggression I usually lose 95% of the time when called off.

So my question is: Should we consider folding in those situations? And when in those hands showed above?
In the AA hand i personally believe that we can fold OTT because it's unlikely that he goes crazy with a Kx hand. Most of the time i think it will be a set+.
The KK hand i'm not that sure about.

Would really appreciate some help from you guys! :)

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