[NL25] TT in 3bet pot oop

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[NL25] TT in 3bet pot oop

Blinds: $0.10/$0.25 (6 Players) MP: $44.42
CO: $24.69
BN: $32.47
SB: $25.10 (Hero)
BB: $26.00
UTG: $25.70
Preflop ($0.35) Hero is SB with T T
3 folds, BN raises to $0.62, Hero raises to $2.11, BB folds, BN calls $1.49
Flop ($4.47) 7 7 3
Hero bets $1.90, BN calls $1.90
Turn ($8.27) 7 7 3 2
Hero bets $5.22, BN calls $5.22
River ($18.71) 7 7 3 2 A
Hero checks, BN bets $23.24 and is all in, Hero calls $15.87 and is all in

Villain plays 30/24/11 after 187 Hands, RFI BU 58%, F23Bet 33%, F2Cbet 33% but 0 in 3Bet Pots (3 Hands)

I guess preflop and flop are pretty standard. He most likely calls with his pairs and a lot of random floats based on his stats and that he's been quite aggressive. OTT I decide to barrel again against 99-66 and turned FD, to capitalize on dead money and fold out his floats/equity share. After his call his range gets pretty strong but OTR I decide to check call because I thought he is the type of guy who could turn some of his SD value into a bluff using the scare card. The A doesnt really hit his range imo except turned Ax in clubs. And there arent a lot of 7x in his BU Range vs. a 3bet from SB, right?

Makes sense? Too loose?

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