NL400 live ten handed - KQo in 3bet pot

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NL400 live ten handed - KQo in 3bet pot

UTG straddle $8, UTG+2 who is a young guy, playing super aggresive pre but haven't seem him out of line, makes it $28 and I pick up the KQo in MP+2, so I make it to 82, everyone folds to him, who calls, Hero's stack is around $600, Villain covers

Flop AhQs2d ($180)

Villain checks, I check behind. I don't see any merits in cbetting this board and if I have a check behind range I think this combo should be filling it

Turn 7d ($180)

Villains bets $130, Hero ?

So basically Im not partidary of start bluffcatching on earlier streets but the board is so dry that equities are not gonna change much to the river so I don't have too many complicated spots if villain starts ovebluffing

We are having very good blockers to the top of villain range he can basically be having here, so w the KQ Im blocking good portion of his value bet range (AK,AQ) but how would you generally approach this spots? He is firing kinda big on turn and for me seems unlikely he's sizing all of his Ax that size (thought I might be wrong just tell me if you disagree with it) and at the same time on this runout d I also think It's fairly likely we are facing a double barrel on most rivers.

Just interested on how you guys would approach it, thanks !

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