NL50 Aggro strategy, time to change?

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NL50 Aggro strategy, time to change?

Hello! I am playing a very aggressive playstyle and it works perfect! the downside is i guess it won't work forever because some of my stats get pretty mad now (WSD is at 44, W$WSF 48, 3bet 9.x) and i start to notice that regs start to call me off lighter. Should I now change my strategy and strongen all my ranges? because i fear i won't be able to bluff anymore in like 10k further hands :D right now im pretty much exploiting the villains, because still at NL50 they love to fold (pre and post, see a lot of people with high 3b%age who fold like 60-70%ish to 4bets which makes it profitable to 4bet bluff any two cards). Also a lot of people who fold to cbets (at least one street) 55%+. But I noticed that all the regs who showed me their graphs have blue line up, redline down and green line slightly but constantly up. My graph looks more like this:

so it's pretty much the other way round (and ALL my graphs looked like this, NL10 and NL25 too, but players rarely adjust there).

obv not running too bad lol

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